Unlocking the Importance of Virtual Events: Benefits and Opportunities

2 min read
May 8, 2021

With the world shifting to a virtual format, event planners are already unlocking the potential of virtual events. According to Forbes, online events had a 1000% increase since the start of the pandemic. There is a lot of space for growth and experimentation. In this blog post, you will find the top four reasons for the importance of virtual events.

Main benefits of virtual events

Saving costs

The main benefit of hosting a virtual event is cutting down costs. Especially when it comes to physical venues, on-location staff and special equipment. In fact, 84% of the event planners reported that they spent less money in 2023 on virtual events compared to in-person events.

Attendees can also take advantage of this new format opportunity. In fact they are reducing travelling and accommodation costs by replacing them with a laptop and a stable Internet connection. Not to mention the time saved by booking only one ticket!

It is important to keep in mind that virtual events are also exceptionally eco-friendly. There is no doubt that moving your platform online is reducing the carbon footprint. With a generation focused more than ever on environmental issues, your decision to offer online events can have a huge impact.

Attendance boost

Now that you are not limited to a physical location anymore, your event can be easily accessed from all over the globe. As a matter of fact, around 80% of event organizers report being able to reach a wider audience thanks to their online format. With the right technology, reaching your target group thanks to large-scale events is easier than ever.

Increased flexibility

During in-person events, different stages and discussion panels happen simultaneously. Thanks to on-demand content, attendees are not torn between overlapping activities anymore. They can enjoy a particular segment, knowing that they will have access to the whole program later on. 

As an event planner, you are also more flexible when it comes to booking speakers and moderators. Since you don’t have to limit your reach to domestic contributors, you can offer exclusive interviews with top representatives from all over the world.

Space for creativity

According to a 2020 report on virtual events, more than 38% of attendees desire to communicate with each other and even have the chance to ask questions directly to the speaker. In contrast, more than a quarter are interested in polls with real lifetime results. 

One of the main benefits of virtual events is the ability to implement new strategies and last-minute changes easily. Instead of spending time-solving logistical challenges, you can now focus your energy and resources on your attendees. If you are looking for creative ways to keep your audience delighted and present, check this list of virtual event ideas we prepared for you.

The desire to connect and share experiences is what defines us as humans. Today’s technology allows us to join exciting events from all over the world, anytime and anywhere. You can promote innovation and make new ideas more accessible than ever. Time zones and exclusive physical venues are no longer a limit

Photo by Jacob Lund from Noun Project

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