7 Exciting Webinar Examples

9 min read
July 18, 2022

Remote working is more popular than ever. Online meetings are being held in record numbers. It looks like webinars are here to stay. In 2024, webinars will be essential to your digital marketing strategy. We want to help you make yours a success.

Table of contents

  1. Live vs On-demand
  2. Live Webinars
  3. On-demand
  4. Video Recording
  5. Interact With the Audience
  6. Your Webinar Topic
  7. Webinar Examples
  8. Product Tutorial
  9. Panel Discussion
  10. Voiceover Presentation
  11. Brand Collaboration
  12. Live Audit
  13. Q&A
  14. Interviews
  15. Top tips for hosting the best webinar
  16. Final Thought

Learning by example is a great way to master a new activity or process. Studying examples provides a wealth of real-life knowledge and accelerates the process. Why bother starting from scratch when you can learn from other people’s mistakes?

On demand webinars Digital Samba

To help you achieve your digital marketing goals and objectives, we have prepared 7 webinar examples that you can use. If used correctly, they will give your content the boost it needs to be successful. 

Live vs On-demand Webinars

Live content vs on-demand is one of the biggest decisions you will make when deciding on your webinar strategy. Each has unique pros and cons, but both are highly effective

Live Webinars



  • Connect with your audience
  • Easier to produce
  • Live Q&A
  • Technical issues
  • Choosing a time
  • Unwanted guests





  • Editing & graphical effects
  • Pre-recording
  • Available any time
  • Lack of engagement
  • Not as memorable



Webinar Video Recording

7 Exciting Webinar Examples - on demand webinars Digital Samba webinar software

Video recording is your best friend when it comes to prerecording content. You will also find video recording useful for live events because you may want to reuse pre-recorded content later. Naturally, this means you should be using a webinar platform with live video recordings.

Digital Samba has live recording capabilities and is an excellent choice for hosting virtual events. Record footage and store it in the cloud for your next event. Pre-recording video is also a great way to avoid stage fright!


Interact With the Audience

Webinar Video Recording   Digital Samba webinar software

You should always let the audience interact with you. It boosts engagement and creates a more memorable experience for attendees. Client onboarding, Live audits, and Q&A are some webinar formats that rely on engagement via audience interaction.

Your Webinar Topic

Before you decide on your format or make any preparations, you must decide on your subject. The best way to do this is to have a brainstorming session with the whole team. Your topic shouldn’t be too broad. Focus on solving a specific customer problem.

For example, if you focus on sales funnels, you could make a webinar focusing on sales funnel landing page copy. The average attendee spends roughly 22 minutes focusing on a webinar, so keep it specific.

Your webinar needs to provide value to your audience. Solving a common problem people face is a sure way to do this.  Otherwise, your live content isn’t going to convert into additional leads or sales. You should stick to a consistent style of business presentation across formats to boost your brand recognition.

7 Exciting Webinar Examples - live webinars Digital Samba

Webinar Examples

You have decided if your webinar will be live or on-demand, and you have your idea. It’s time to decide on a format.

Check out these 7 format examples for some inspiration. 

Product Tutorial

Product tutorials are a popular and versatile format. You can use a product tutorial to fully educate your sales team on your product, making them more effective salespeople. You can also use product tutorials when selling to clients.

When selling to clients, we recommend that you utilise live webinars. Pre-recorded product tutorials can be useful for internal training. 

Typically a product tutorial focuses on showcasing your product and helping your customers gain value.

Product tutorial webinar example: 

A SaaS company that produces polling software wants to help customers get more from their product. They could create a product tutorial focusing on a question like “How to use our polls in your marketing emails to increase sales”

Panel Discussion

Panel discussions involve assembling a panel of experts to discuss a topic. Attendees watch industry experts have an engaging and interesting debate or discussion. Panel discussions are useful for technical subjects that require a deep dive.

The key to an effective panel discussion is a good moderator. The moderator needs to keep everyone on track and keep the discussion relevant to the subject matter.

Panel discussion webinar example: 

An e-commerce company wants to increase sales of its software. They host a panel discussion entitled “the 2022 e-commerce boom” and invite experts, including those offering Shopify development services, to discuss how to use their platform to take advantage of the recent boom in e-commerce.

Voiceover Presentation

A voiceover presentation is a very flexible format. You can use them for live and on-demand content. They are perfect for companies with a low marketing budget because they are easy to produce. 

An effective voiceover presentation needs to be interesting and engaging. No one wants to listen to a monotone presentation for an hour. The presentation being voiced over also needs to be interesting and eye-catching

Voiceover presentation webinar example:

A webinar platform wants to show customers the benefits of a white-label webinar software solution. They could create a voiceover presentation on “the benefits of rebranding a white-label solution vs using an existing platform”.

Brand Collaboration

Brand collaboration is a great way of increasing engagement across multiple companies with one event. A brand collaboration would benefit from being hosted in a live format. 

The tricky part of a brand collaboration is choosing a collaboration partner. Whom you collab with will depend on the subject of your webinar. You must ensure that the presentation helps all parties achieve their digital marketing goals.

Brand collaboration webinar example:

A digital marketing company and an automated email platform have decided to collaborate and make their software compatible. They have decided to host a brand collaboration webinar, “how to attract customers using our new automated email feature”

Live Audit

A live audit is an exciting way to introduce a crowd to your services. Auditing a random live audience member can make it even more tempting for attendees. 

Companies that will benefit most from this format are consultancies that offer their professional judgment as a product. A live audit can be a powerful sales driver if done properly.

Live audit webinar example:

An SEO consultancy wants to host a live event demonstration of an SEO website audit to analyse domain quality. They select a random attendee before or during the event and conduct a live audit. 


A Q&A is a classic format. Any company can host a successful Q&A event. Live Q&As require little preparation and can be reused if recorded. Q&As benefit from attracting people already interested in your subject or product.

Q&A webinar example:

An internet browser extension wants to allow customers to give feedback on their latest updates. They host a Q&A webinar entitled “web-browser extension update 1.9 Q&A” to get customer opinions.


7 Exciting Webinar Examples - Webinar Video Recording live webinars Digital Samba

Everyone is familiar with interviews. You can use them to your advantage in webinar format. The hardest part of organising an interview is securing the interviewee. If you pick an interesting topic and a great interviewee, you will generate lots of interest and hype.

Interview webinar example:

An SEO consultancy wants to host an interview on Google’s latest algorithm update. They secure a Google employee who is willing to be interviewed about it. They title the interview “exploring how Google’s latest update could impact your rank”

Top Tips for Hosting the Best Webinar

You are almost ready to host a successful event. To maximise your chances of success, here are some of our top tips:

Final Thought

Webinars will be integral to your digital marketing strategy for years to come. You need to learn how to use them properly. A bad event can be worse than having not hosted one at all.

Now that you have explored various webinar formats and gathered valuable tips for hosting successful webinars, it's time to choose a reliable and feature-rich software to bring your digital events to life. With Digital Samba's advanced software, you can take your webinars to the next level and engage your audience like never before.

Digital Samba offers GDPR-compliant, EU-hosted webinar software that ensures the privacy and security of your attendees' data. Our platform is end-to-end encrypted, providing a secure environment for hosting virtual events. Whether you choose to host live or on-demand webinars, our software caters to your specific needs.

One of the standout features of Digital Samba's software is the ability to record your webinars. Video recording is a powerful tool that allows you to capture your content and store it in the cloud for future use. Whether you want to reuse pre-recorded content in live events or create on-demand webinars, our software provides seamless integration of video recording capabilities.

Engagement is key to a successful webinar, and Digital Samba's webinar software enables you to interact with your audience effectively. Our platform offers various engagement features, including live Q&A sessions, client onboarding, live audits, and more. By fostering interaction and creating a memorable experience for your attendees, you can enhance audience engagement and drive better results.

Choosing the right webinar topic is crucial for attracting and retaining participants. Digital Samba allows you to showcase your expertise and provide value to your audience. With our platform, you can deliver product tutorials, host panel discussions with industry experts, create voiceover presentations, collaborate with other brands, conduct live audits, facilitate Q&A sessions, and even host interviews. The versatility of our software ensures that you have the flexibility to execute your webinar strategy effectively.

To ensure the success of your webinars, Digital Samba offers a range of additional features, including customised and automatic email invites, follow-up emails, data analytics, and more. Our intuitive and user-friendly interface makes it easy to set up and manage your webinars, even if you have limited technical expertise.

Join the growing number of satisfied users who have experienced the power of Digital Samba’s video conferencing API. Request a demo today and discover how our platform can simplify your webinar hosting process and drive meaningful engagement with your audience.

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