Data Privacy in 2024: Trends, Regulations, and Best Practices

12 min read
June 26, 2024

Privacy online is a huge deal nowadays. In 2024, data protection is still a hot topic on everyone's lips; people are stressing about it as much as big companies. The whole scene around keeping personal information under lock and key is changing lightning fast.

This article takes a deep dive into some data privacy trends you should know this year. Although some of them aren’t new, it's something that’s still raising some debates in the data privacy sector. 

We'll check out the new rules companies have to follow to avoid huge fines over data leaks and lack of compliance, as well as some new technologies that help keep your sensitive information secure. You'll learn how these new developments are giving us more control over the data that companies have. 

Whether you're a business owner or an internet user like most of us, this article will give you the full download on how data privacy is changing in 2024. Let’s jump right into it!

Table of contents

  1. Understanding data privacy
  2. Why is data privacy important?
  3. Top 5 data privacy trends in 2024
  4. Enjoy secure, crystal-clear, and private video conferencing with Digital Samba
  5. Conclusion

Understanding data privacy

These days, it feels like you can't go online without being asked to hand over personal details left and right. Trying to read an article? They want your email address. Installing a new app? Grant it access to your location. Making a purchase? It's time to cough up your payment information and contact details. Bit by bit, companies are compiling incredibly detailed profiles of each of us.

That's where data privacy comes into play—it's all about you having some say and visibility into the sensitive personal data that gets collected about you. For too long, companies have done whatever they please with our private information behind closed doors. However, a wave of new data privacy regulations has forced them to open up. Companies have to be upfront about the personal data they gather and what purposes they're using it for. Even more importantly, they can't just freely share your personal details with other companies for marketing and advertising without getting your explicit okay first.

The reason behind these regulations is to prevent misuse of our data, which could enable identity theft, financial fraud, or even discriminatory practices by companies using our personal data profiles against us. Strong data privacy rules keep companies in check, holding them accountable for properly securing personal data, being transparent about how it's used, and simply respecting user privacy preferences.

Why is data privacy important?

Since sharing some personal data is almost unavoidable, protecting it has become an absolute must for several critical reasons, including:

Top 5 data privacy trends in 2024

As we move through 2024, several trends in data privacy are shaping how businesses and individuals manage and secure their information. Below are the top data security trends you should be aware of this year:

1. Increased regulation and compliance requirements

Governments are cracking down hard on data privacy. We're seeing a tidal wave of new laws and regulations that businesses have to follow to the letter or face severe consequences. 

1.1 Global privacy laws on the rise

The European Union's GDPR law was kind of the big one that kicked things off and set a new global standard for data protection. It gave people a lot more rights over their personal information. Now, a bunch of other countries are following the EU's lead. All across Asia, Latin America, and Africa, nations are scrambling to draft their own GDPR-style data privacy laws to safeguard their citizens' sensitive data.

Several US states enacted comprehensive data privacy laws in 2023 that came into effect in 2024. These include:

The European Union also implemented the Digital Services Act (DSA) on January 1, 2024. This regulation updates the e-Commerce Directive to address concerns about online transparency, illegal content, and disinformation. The DSA aims to create a more unified approach across the EU to regulate these issues.

These laws grant consumers rights to control their personal data, such as access, correction, and deletion.

1.2 Industry-specific regulations

For sectors dealing with really sensitive stuff like healthcare and financial data, the rules are even stricter. Like HIPAA in the US, which governs patient data privacy, it's constantly updated with tougher requirements. Financial companies have to jump through even more hoops, too. Things like Europe's PSD2 law, which sets rigorous security standards for banking data.

1.3 Stricter enforcement

It's not just new laws piling up, though. Regulators are actually enforcing these privacy rules now by handing out huge fines to businesses that violate them. Companies get audited all the time now to prove they're properly protecting data and following compliance protocols. Slip up, and you could face a multi-million-euro penalty that cripples the business.

1.4 Consumer rights growing

A big part of these new data laws is finally empowering consumers and giving them more rights over their own personal information that companies collect. People can now easily access all the data a company has on them. If anything looks wrong or outdated, you have the right to demand they correct or delete that data from their systems completely.

1.5 Cross-border data transfers

With so much data freely flowing across borders these days, there are a lot more hoops businesses have to jump through for international transfers and sharing. Mechanisms like standard contractual clauses have to be rock solid and compliant with all the different relevant data protection laws in each country involved.

2. Rise of Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs)

As data threats get more and more sophisticated over time, so do the cutting-edge technologies designed to protect our sensitive data and identities. Alongside advanced privacy tools, businesses are increasingly focusing on IaC security to safeguard their cloud infrastructure, ensuring that security protocols are automatically enforced whenever infrastructure changes are made. Advanced privacy tools are becoming essential. Here are some top trends in this sector:

2.1 Data masking

This technique replaces real data with fake but realistic-looking data, so the actual sensitive information stays hidden and secure. It's super useful for testing environments or training AI models where you don't need to expose real customer data and risk leaks. The masked data is safe to use.

2.2 Differential privacy

Differential privacy allows companies to analyse data and extract insights while keeping individual user data points completely private and anonymous.

It works by adding mathematical "noise" to datasets, scrambling the values so you can't trace anything back to an individual person while still getting meaningful results.

2.3 Secure multi-party computation

This technology enables multiple organisations to jointly analyse data without having to actually share or expose their raw data to each other. Hence, each party's data inputs remain completely private and encrypted. But they can still somehow collectively compute results across the combined datasets through some wild cryptography. In a similar way, customer data platforms enable businesses to securely gather and analyse customer data from various sources, ensuring compliance with privacy regulations while protecting sensitive information. This adds an extra layer of security to data-driven operations.

2.4 Homomorphic encryption

Most encryption requires decrypting data to perform any operations on it. Homomorphic encryption allows you to analyse and extract insights from data while it is still encrypted. That means sensitive data can be securely processed in the cloud or in an untrusted environment. The encryption never has to be removed to work with the data.

2.5 Zero-knowledge proofs

This verification method allows one party to prove to another that some statement is true without revealing any other information beyond that fact. It has applications like proving you have certain credentials or account ownership without disclosing the actual credential data.

3. AI and machine learning for privacy

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are the future of data privacy. They're providing intelligent and automated solutions to today's ever-evolving data privacy challenges. Here are some ways AI is helping with data protection:

3.1 Automated data protection

AI-powered tools can automatically discover, classify, and secure sensitive data with little to no human effort required. Whether it's identifying different data types, applying encryption and access controls, or tracking data flows, it can all be automated using AI that's trained on your specific policies.

3.2 Anomaly detection

Machine learning excels at establishing baselines for "normal" patterns and then flagging anything that deviates as a potential anomaly or threat. For data privacy, that means these AI systems can monitor all network traffic, user activity, data access logs, and behaviour to instantly detect even the slightest hint of a breach or abuse.

3.3 Data minimisation

A key data privacy principle is only collecting and retaining the minimum amount of data that's actually required. AI helps reinforce and automate this. It can continuously audit your data stores, intelligently categorise what is and isn't necessary, and automatically archive or delete any extraneous information per your policies.

3.4 Predictive privacy management

AI can also study past privacy issues and incidents to predict potential future vulnerabilities and risks before they're exposed. This predictive capability means you can proactively adjust policies, add safeguards, and address weaknesses immediately rather than waiting to react to an actual breach.

3.5 Simplified consent flows

On the consumer side, natural language processing can take dense, legal jargon from privacy policies and consent flows and transform it into simple, understandable language. Empowering people to actually comprehend what they're agreeing to regarding their personal data usage is a big part of privacy ethics.

4. Importance of user consent

Consumer awareness around data privacy and protection is skyrocketing. Folks are getting smarter about their digital footprints and demanding transparency and control.

4.1 Granular consent options

Companies can no longer just bundle everything into an all-or-nothing data sharing policy. They have to provide nuanced, granular controls now. People should be able to pick and choose which specific types of data they're comfortable having collected and which activities they want to opt out of.

4.2 Clear data usage

Those days of intentionally vague and convoluted privacy policies written in legalese are over. Companies have to spell everything out clearly in plain language now. Visuals, interactivity, and simple explanations are necessary so the average consumer can understand exactly what they're consenting to.

4.3 Right to be forgotten

Data privacy laws enshrine people's rights to request that companies delete their personal data entirely if they choose. This means businesses have to implement rigorous processes to thoroughly remove every last trace of a user's data from their systems upon request—no half-measures.

4.4 Children's privacy is prioritised

When it comes to kids' data, the strictest standards apply. Explicit, verifiable parental consent is required by laws like COPPA before any data collection can occur. 

Special protections are mandated around how children's sensitive information gets handled, used, and secured by any online service or product.

4.5 Dynamic consent

Consumer consent preferences aren't static anymore. People should be able to freely update their privacy settings and permissions over time, as desired. Companies need robust preference management capabilities that empower users to easily modify their consent choices as comfort levels change.

4.6 Transparency in practices

Perhaps most importantly, there's a huge push for radical transparency around precisely how companies acquire, process, and leverage consumer data behind the scenes.

Regular reports and disclosures that pull back the curtain on internal data practices and usage are becoming mandatory to maintain public trust.

5. Privacy as a competitive business advantage

More and more companies are realising that robust data privacy capability isn't just a compliance burden; it can actually be a crucial competitive differentiator.

5.1 Privacy by design

The most cutting-edge firms are making data privacy a core priority from the earliest stages of developing any new product or service. Rather than tacking on privacy as an afterthought, they conduct rigorous assessments and embed data protection controls into the infrastructure and experience from Day 1.

5.2 Open data practices

Businesses that are upfront and unapologetically transparent about their data collection practices tend to garner way more trust and loyalty from customers. By proactively publishing regular transparency reports that disclose their privacy protocols, companies assure people that their data is truly being handled responsibly.

5.3 Investing in privacy talent

Having a solid data privacy team of dedicated experts isn't just about checking boxes; it's an invaluable asset for any business. Hiring qualified data protection officers, privacy engineers, and compliance managers and providing ongoing training ensures the company stays ahead of emerging trends.

5.4 Third-party audits and certifications

To remove any shadow of doubt, many companies are pursuing independent third-party audits and certifying their data practices against globally recognised standards like ISO 27001. These accreditations provide external validation that a business is adhering to best-in-class security and privacy protocols.

5.5 Customer privacy education

Reputable companies now put real effort into educating their customers about data privacy—their rights, risks, and best practices for protecting themselves. Through resources like webinars, blogs, forums, and product documentation, they position themselves as trusted advisors on this crucial topic.

Enjoy secure, crystal-clear, and private video conferencing with Digital Samba

With so many teams working remotely, having a rock-solid video conferencing tool is an absolute must for staying connected and getting things done. But that comes with some worry—a lot of the popular video apps out there have some pretty concerning privacy and security issues. That's where Digital Samba shines.

Digital Samba gives you the complete video conferencing package—stunning-quality visuals and audio that'll make you feel like your teammates are right there in the room with you. No more putting up with laggy, choppy video feeds that make meetings an exercise in frustration. We optimise performance while keeping that high-definition resolution looking crisp.

What sets Digital Samba apart is how seriously we take protecting your privacy and data. Your video and audio stay locked down tightly with powerful encryption from start to finish. No unauthorised individuals are allowed in. 

Also, we take a privacy-first approach to AI. Unlike many video conferencing platforms that rely on US-based cloud storage, Digital Samba keeps all AI features running on our secure EU-based servers. This ensures your data stays geographically separated from potential access by non-EU entities and adheres to the strictest data privacy regulations, like GDPR. 

With Digital Samba, you're the one holding the keys to your privacy. You control exactly which cameras and mics are being used. You easily decide who to let in and who gets blocked from your calls. Granular permission settings let you dictate exactly what each participant can and can't do. Your video communications, your rules.


Data privacy has become an absolute must in our modern lives. As companies gather more and more of our personal details, being upfront and giving us control over that sensitive data is critical. Staying up-to-date on the latest privacy trends and rules empowers individuals to secure their digital footprints. And for businesses, prioritising robust data protection isn't just about checking boxes; it's an opportunity to build consumer trust and gain a real competitive edge. At the end of the day, a privacy-focused approach protects against misuse while fostering autonomy over our personal information in this data-driven era.

If you’re looking for a privacy-focused and feature-rich video conferencing platform to embed into your apps and websites, you can take advantage of Digital Samba’s free 10,000 monthly credit. Sign up to get started!

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