Release notes

Digital Samba 589

Available from 13 June, 2024


In our latest update, we are introducing a new integration that allows any Learning Management System supporting the LTI 1.3 standard to use the Digital Samba Embedded video room via plug & play. We’ve also empowered integrators with the new addTileAction method in our SDK, enabling custom items in tiles' context menus. Additionally, we’ve launched a comprehensive network info webpage to help troubleshoot common network issues. Plus, enjoy a range of other improvements and bug fixes to enhance your experience. Read on to learn more about these and other updates.


Digital Samba Embedded

Dashboard and API

New Features

  • Introducing a new integration that allows any LMS supporting the LTI 1.3 standard, such as Moodle, to use a Digital Samba Embedded video room as an activity when creating courses. This integration enables the creation and launching of DS rooms, and the assignment of participants with Teacher and Student preset roles directly from the LMS. Additionally, recordings can be accessed from the LMS for the course creator to review and optionally share with students. LMS Administrators can add Digital Samba via plug & play, as an LTI tool. Contact us if you'd like to register Digital Samba against your LMS.
  • Implemented a platform-level network info webpage with easy-to-follow guidelines and technical information for common network issues, available on This page will soon be linked up from an upcoming system check feature, to test connectivity prior to entering a session, particularly useful for organisations behind a firewall.
  • Enhanced the REST API to support retrieval of session summaries at both team and room levels.
  • Enhanced the REST API to support retrieval of transcription minutes at both room and session levels.
    Implemented a platform-level network info webpage with easy-to-follow guidelines and technical information for common network issues.
  • Improved UX on the Tokens page by automatically disabling the role and breakoutId fields and replacing the placeholders with 'Room needs to be defined' until a valid room value has been input.


New Features

  • Enhanced our SDK with the addTileAction method, allowing custom items in the tiles' context menus. Integrators can now add custom options with specified labels, icons from the DS icon font or no icon, and define the option's local or remote availability.
  • Added two new notifications: One is shown upon joining a breakout session and informs participants that it is not being transcribed, and the other is show upon rejoining the main room session and reminds them that it is being transcribed.
  • Standardised button and input sizes to ensure UI consistency across the app.
  • Removed the 'Captions have been turned on' and 'Captions have been turned off' toast notifications. These notifications are now deprecated, as the app now warns participants when the session is being transcribed.


  • Fixed an issue where a participant turning on their camera or microphone shortly after enabling virtual backgrounds could result in the camera and microphone showing as off for that participant, while still being active, allowing other participants in the room to see and hear them.
  • Fixed an issue where joining a predefined breakout room via token resulted in an invalid breakout panel display. Now, when moderators join breakout rooms directly via tokens, the breakout panel correctly assigns moderators and ensures they can view each other within the breakout session.