Release notes

Digital Samba 571

Available from 25 September 2023

In this update, we are introducing a new branding feature allowing account holders to customize the HTML title to be displayed on browser tabs, when rooms are not embedded in an iframe. We've also added improvements to the actionable notifications and room entry controls. Read more about our latest update below.

Digital Samba Embedded

Dashboard and API

New Features

  • We've introduced a new branding feature that enables customers on the Launch plan and above to customise the HTML title attribute. This room setting will work as long as the room is not embedded in an iframe. It will empower businesses to create a more branded, informative, and accessible online experience for their users.


  • We've eliminated the restriction that previously prevented recordings during E2EE-encrypted sessions. Participants now have the option to record their sessions, even when E2EE encryption is enabled. Prior to initiating a recording, a dialog box will appear, ensuring participants are fully aware that recordings made under these circumstances won't maintain E2EE protection.
  • We substituted our previous 'delete recording' functionality by a more indulging 'archive recording' one. Archived recordings are kept for 30 days, after which they are automatically deleted. This feature will facilitate optional retrieval of recordings that might have been accidentally deleted by our customers. It's important to note that our customers will not be charged for storage during this period. This option, as well as the option to immediately and definitively delete recordings are available via our Support channel.
  • We replaced the old Twitter icon with the new X icon on all our automated emails.
  • We added the 'Max. concurrent participants' and the 'Max concurrent sessions' metrics to the 'date range' module of our dashboard stats page, allowing our customers to track and visualise the evolution of these indicators over the selected date range, ultimately helping them manage their allocated resources.
  • We made UX more consistent in our dashboard by aligning all submission buttons to the right, leaving secondary options such as 'cancel' to the left. This brings consistency in line with dialog boxes within the room, resulting in a more user-friendly and streamlined interface.



New Features

  • We have improved your actionable notifications logic to consolidate multiple requests of the same type into a single notification. This enhancement has been applied specifically to room entry control. As a result, moderators will now receive a single notification, regardless of whether they have 1, 2, or multiple participants waiting to be accepted into the room. This streamlining of notifications can help moderators manage room entry more efficiently and reduce notification clutter.
  • We've improved our room entry control feature by introducing support in single-role rooms. In scenarios with only one role, existing participants within the room can now grant acceptance to new participants, regardless of their permission to control room entry. This enhancement streamlines room configuration while providing some level of access management in rooms without moderation.
  • We fixed an issue where, during video conferences, when a user on Firefox turned their camera off and subsequently back on, Chrome users would continue to see their avatar instead of their video stream. With this fix, Chrome users now can also see the video stream of the Firefox user after they turn their camera on and back on, as expected.

Samba Live



  • We fixed an inconsistency between the selected speakers and the actual sound output. When plugging in bluetooth headphones during the session, the speaker device selector was successfully updated to the newly plugged in bluetooth headphones, but sound continued to come through the previous speaker device.
  • We fixed an issue wherein deactivating Plausible (our privacy-friendly analytics tool) led to crashing Whiteboard 2. Customers with Plausible deactivated may now enjoy using Whiteboard 2.
  • We fixed an issue wherein “Guest_undefined“ was being displayed in the 'Session has ended' modal window, instead of the name of the user who ended the session.