Digital Samba English Blog

What is a Video API: What You Need to Know

Written by Robert Strobl | July 16, 2022

As the world becomes more connected and more people get their news from social media, live video content is becoming increasingly important. And if you're a business, it's essential for you to incorporate live streaming into your marketing strategy—even if you're not a developer.

Table of contents

  1. See what the fuss is all about
  2. Get the right tools
  3. Surpass your competition
  4. Extend your reach into new markets
  5. Read our guide to learn more
  6. Conclusion

What is a video API?

A video API is a way for developers to handle video in other applications, like websites, mobile applications, and even games or productivity applications.  Live video and video calls are technically difficult to build on their own; so technology companies that specialise in live video make these software solutions available as modules for other tech developers to use.  Handling video calls with a video calls API is much, much easier than trying to reinvent video calling from scratch!

API’s are also how software talks to other software, so for IT workers and dev-ops personnel tasked with integration; having live video calls easily available for integration into other software environment setups makes their jobs much easier to keep up with. Anything that handles live video probably has an API on the back-end that makes it practical to implement.

So, video API’s are like handles for software and software developers to use when working with live video calls. It’s where software talks to other software!

See what the fuss is all about

If you're wondering what the fuss is all about with live video, let me explain.

Video has been one of the fastest-growing technologies in recent years. It's a powerful way to reach more people and engage with them on a personal level. Live video is the next frontier for video marketing because it adds an element that makes it more compelling than other types of content: interactivity. When someone sees your live stream, they can choose to join in by asking questions or making comments—and you can respond in real time! This creates trust between you and your audience because they know that anything they say will be heard by you directly, without intermediaries getting involved.

Get the right tools

The first step in making your video content available to the world is to find the right tools. This includes:

  • Video streaming API. To stream live and on-demand videos, you'll need a reliable platform that can handle all of your requirements and scale as needed.
  • Video intelligence API. Once you've built your streaming service, you'll want an analytics system that provides insights into user activity data around live-streamed content across various channels (e.g., Facebook Live).
  • Video analytics API. Once you have some basic metrics on how many people are watching what types of videos—and where they're coming from—you can start digging deeper into what makes them work or not work so well for different audiences or demographics using predictive models based on past viewing behaviour; this allows for more accurate predictions about what kind of content may attract new viewers in the future (or lose them if it doesn't meet expectations).

Surpass your competition

Video is the most engaging type of content and one of the fastest growing content types. It’s also the most effective way to communicate with your audience, build trust with them and grow brand awareness.

This means that you can use live video APIs to surpass your competition by providing customers with something they want and need: real-time knowledge transfer that helps them solve a problem or make an informed decision.

Extend your reach into new markets

If you're thinking to yourself, "I want to extend my reach into new markets," then live video APIs will help you do just that. By offering your current audience a way to connect with customers and users in new countries, languages and industries, live video APIs can be used as a powerful marketing tool.

Video conferencing API’s for websites allow live video to easily be embedded straight into websites to allow your marketing message to reach new levels of exposure that weren’t feasible before.

A video API is a way for developers to access the live stream from a camera. A video streaming API provides access to recorded videos and videos that are being created in real time. A video intelligence API will analyse your content, so you can get insights about what’s happening in your videos (like how many people are watching, where they’re coming from and what devices they are using).


Live video is a powerful tool for any business, and we’re excited to see how it continues to evolve. In the meantime, we hope this guide has helped you understand some of the benefits of using live streaming APIs in your own work. Whether you’re a developer looking to improve your existing product or someone who just wants more engagement with their customers, there are plenty of opportunities available through live video that we think everyone should take advantage of!

Book a live demo today to see how live video API’s can revolutionise your marketing strategy.